How to write a good research paper introduction?

A research paper should be able to provide scientists with new information and research. So, its first goal should be to present a valuable story. The research paper introduction is the part that the writer has to convince the reader, that his article is valuable. The importance of an introduction in research, on the other hand, is because it gives the reader a comprehensive view of the whole article and the reader knows what to expect.

If you google for writing an introduction for a research paper, you will probably find a list of things you need to do. Such as defining the scope of the study, defining the problem, briefly explaining the theory involved, presenting a hypothesis, etc. But to find out “how” to do all this in a research paper introduction, join us in this article.

Importance of introduction in research

To write a research paper introduction, you must pay attention to two important principles: First, writing a hypothesis, which is the most important part of the introduction. And second, the scientific and logical justification of the hypothesis. In this section, you should provide all the necessary information to readers to understand what this article is about and what was your purpose in writing it.

So a good introduction consists of two parts. The author must first logically explain what he expects from this research and what results from he expects to achieve. On the other hand, he writes these statements with a scientific request. In a research paper Introduction example, these two sections can be placed in one or at most two paragraphs. The second part is shorter and covers only the hypothesis, and the only task of the first part is to justify the hypothesis.

Tips for writing an effective introduction for a research paper

Most people have a problem with what to use in a research paper introduction, what research to refer to, and what section to leave for discussion. But the answer is very simple. You should use any material that supports your hypothesis to write an introduction for a research paper.

Regarding the Importance of introduction in research and the writing of the hypothesis, we must point out that, of course, not all research reaches a quantitative and definite conclusion. Sometimes some research is about population, plant, or animal observations. Or even in some others, certain techniques may be analyzed. In such cases, you may have difficulty writing the hypothesis. Finally, no matter how you write your hypothesis, you should not write your research paper introduction in a way that leaves the reader in doubt.

Suppose you write that: I was just looking for a database from which a hypothesis might be formulated at some later stage. I had no idea what I might find in this initial study.

The reader of the article seeks to read a scientific article and gain new knowledge, and naturally reading such a thing in the introduction cannot feel good to continue your article. In fact, your hypothesis is supposed to shape the structure of your article.

After writing the hypothesis in the research paper introduction, note that if you use a reliable source that agrees with your hypothesis, it does not mean that your hypothesis is infallible.

One thing to consider in the research paper introduction is what you are referring to. If the context information you are using is to be used in the Discussion or to support your research method and hypothesis, then it is best to include it in the introduction. Otherwise, it is better to remove that content from your article altogether. Because it only adds to the volume of your article and does not add any scientific credibility to your paper.

The fact is that the readers want to get the information they need as fast as possible. Editors, on the other hand, seek to make journal pages more economical. As a result, your introduction size should not be a lot and should cover the points that we mentioned.


A good research paper introduction is more than mentioning the problem and various literature and should turn the reader into an enthusiastic person.


research paper introduction – introduction for a research paper – Importance of introduction in research – research paper Introduction example – research problem

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A research paper should be able to provide scientists with new information and research. So, its first goal should be to present a valuable story. The research paper introduction is the part that the writer has to convince the reader, that his article is valuable. The importance of an introduction in research, on the other hand, is because it gives the reader a comprehensive view of the whole article and the reader knows what to expect.

If you google for writing an introduction for a research paper, you will probably find a list of things you need to do. Such as defining the scope of the study, defining the problem, briefly explaining the theory involved, presenting a hypothesis, etc. But to find out "how" to do all this in a research paper introduction, join us in this article.

Importance of introduction in research

To write a research paper introduction, you must pay attention to two important principles: First, writing a hypothesis, which is the most important part of the introduction. And second, the scientific and logical justification of the hypothesis. In this section, you should provide all the necessary information to readers to understand what this article is about and what was your purpose in writing it.

So a good introduction consists of two parts. The author must first logically explain what he expects from this research and what results from he expects to achieve. On the other hand, he writes these statements with a scientific request. In a research paper Introduction example, these two sections can be placed in one or at most two paragraphs. The second part is shorter and covers only the hypothesis, and the only task of the first part is to justify the hypothesis.

Tips for writing an effective introduction for a research paper

Most people have a problem with what to use in a research paper introduction, what research to refer to, and what section to leave for discussion. But the answer is very simple. You should use any material that supports your hypothesis to write an introduction for a research paper.

Regarding the Importance of introduction in research and the writing of the hypothesis, we must point out that, of course, not all research reaches a quantitative and definite conclusion. Sometimes some research is about population, plant, or animal observations. Or even in some others, certain techniques may be analyzed. In such cases, you may have difficulty writing the hypothesis. Finally, no matter how you write your hypothesis, you should not write your research paper introduction in a way that leaves the reader in doubt.

Suppose you write that: I was just looking for a database from which a hypothesis might be formulated at some later stage. I had no idea what I might find in this initial study.

The reader of the article seeks to read a scientific article and gain new knowledge, and naturally reading such a thing in the introduction cannot feel good to continue your article. In fact, your hypothesis is supposed to shape the structure of your article.

After writing the hypothesis in the research paper introduction, note that if you use a reliable source that agrees with your hypothesis, it does not mean that your hypothesis is infallible.

One thing to consider in the research paper introduction is what you are referring to. If the context information you are using is to be used in the Discussion or to support your research method and hypothesis, then it is best to include it in the introduction. Otherwise, it is better to remove that content from your article altogether. Because it only adds to the volume of your article and does not add any scientific credibility to your paper.

The fact is that the readers want to get the information they need as fast as possible. Editors, on the other hand, seek to make journal pages more economical. As a result, your introduction size should not be a lot and should cover the points that we mentioned.


A good research paper introduction is more than mentioning the problem and various literature and should turn the reader into an enthusiastic person.


research paper introduction - introduction for a research paper - Importance of introduction in research - research paper Introduction example – research problem

