
Welcome to the LiboBerry Support Center! Here, we assist you with any issues you may encounter while using our services, including the LiboBerry platform and the MS Word add-in.

Quick Solutions:

  1. Check System Requirements:
    • Ensure your device meets the system requirements for both the LiboBerry platform and the MS Word add-in.
    • Keep your browser and MS Word updated for optimal performance.
  2. Common Issues and Quick Fixes:
    • Login Problems: Verify your credentials. Reset your password if needed.
    • Synchronization Issues: Check your internet connection, log out, and then log back into your account.
    • Add-in Not Responding: Restart MS Word and verify the add-in’s installation.
  3. User Guides and FAQs:
    • Explore our User Guide for detailed instructions.
    • Our FAQs answer common questions about our services.

Specific Support Sections:

  • LiboBerry Platform:
    • Guidance for common issues on the web platform.
    • Account and subscription management.
  • MS Word Add-in:
    • Installation and troubleshooting for the MS Word add-in.
    • Using the add-in for reference management and plagiarism detection.
    • Uploading Resources: Before using the add-in, make sure you have uploaded and provided all necessary resources in your project through the Knowledge Management section on the web platform. This step is crucial for the add-in to function correctly and access your project data.

Contact Our Support Team:

If your issue isn’t resolved with the provided information, our support team is here to help.

  • Support Ticket: Fill out our support form with your issue details.
  • Email Support: Contact us at
  • Live Chat: Available during business hours on our website for immediate assistance.

Feedback and Suggestions:

Your input helps us improve. Share your feedback or suggestions via our feedback form.

Thank you for using LiboBerry. We’re dedicated to ensuring a smooth experience with our services.